Attorney at Law, Arbitrator

She is one of the constitutive partners of İste & İste Law Firm.
She graduated from Istanbul University Law Faculty in 2008.
She started her LL.M degree in Istanbul University, Department of Private Law in the same year. During this period, she received a J.D. (Juris Doctor) education as a scholarship exchange student in South Texas College of Law (Houston-USA), specializing in Arbitration, Mediation, First Amendment (freedom of speech) and Negotiation. As a result of this education, she gained legal authorization to be a mediator in the territory of Texas. During her education, she gained experience in arbitration and malpractice cases in an American law firm. She has experience in the fields of commercial law, labor law and law of obligations, especially in international private law and provide legal consultancy services in structuring the pre-litigation process in business life, strategy establishments, investment planning, preparation of contracts, risk and process analysis within the framework of comparative law.
In the judicial process, she provides advocacy services both before state courts and as a counsel during the arbitration process. She also takes part as an arbitrator in private law disputes, both in ad hoc arbitration and in arbitration proceedings before national and international arbitration centers. Again, by acting as a project coordinator in terms of lawsuits in a foreign state court, she ensures that the process abroad is followed and controlled. She is specialized in drawing up and revising legal contracts (such as joint venture agreements, share transfer agreements, all commercial agreements..etc) and documents as contract lawyer.
In addition to her legal service, she also serves as a mediator in Private Law disputes. She has the title of Expert Mediator in labor law, commercial law and health law. In this context, she provides mediation services in the resolution of private law disputes, including those with foreign elements.
She has successfully completed her master’s thesis on “ICSID Arbitration About Investment Disputes According to The Changes in Host State’s Legislation”. In 2010; she earned a scholarship for her thesis research and studied in La Sapienza University Law Faculty (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza) in Rome, Italy, where she studied with consultant Professor Diego Corapi and participated in Italian Arbitration Center studies.
She successfully completed her Ph.D study about “Applicable Law and Jurisdiction of Turkish Courts in Disputes Arisen From Employment Agreements, Containing Foreign Element”.
She has published two books named as “ICSID Arbitration About Investment Disputes According to The Changes in Host State’s Legislation” and “Applicable Law and Jurisdiction of Turkish Courts in Disputes Arisen From Employment Agreements, Containing Foreign Element”.
She is closely interested in art history and coffee culture. She is a Pearson accredited Philosophy for Communities and Children (P4C) educator trainer and conducts philosophy workshops with communities.
Her languages are Turkish and English.
Lawyering in Arbitration and Arbitration Types Training
Istanbul Bar Association-06-10November 2023
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of FIDIC Contracts
Istanbul Arbitration Center 17 October 2023
Competition Law in Practice Seminars 2021 Spring Semester
Istanbul Bilgi University, Competition Law and Policy Research Centre, 03March-02June2021
Training of Counsel in Arbitration
İstanbul Arbitration Centre/Union of Turkish Bar Associations-09-10 January 2021
IX. Symposium of Philosophical and Sociological Views on Law
İstanbul University– 2-4 October 2019
Mediation Specialization Training in Labor Law
Marmara Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi, 17-24 December 2017/İstanbul
Health Law Seminar
Hâkimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi, 09-10 December 2013 / Antalya
Mediation Certificate Program in Legal Disputes
Istanbul Aydın University, İstanbul, 02.11.2013-24.11.2013
International Energy Arbitration Symposium
Energy Law Research Institute, 30.05.2013
International Electricity Summit
Global Energy Agency, 14-15-16 September 2011
61st Oil & Gas Law Conference
Institute of Energy Law)-Houston, Teksas, USA 18/19.02.2010
Mediator Certificate
Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution, Houston, Teksas, USA
South Texas College of Law – 16.06.2009
Asset Advocacy Skills
Bahçeşehir University & IGUL – 30.04.2008
Meditor Skills Seminar
İstanbul Barosu ve Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, All-University Open House Committee, 1998-99
Sicherheitsrecht Teilgenommen
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi – 14.03.2008
Cross Examination and Mediation
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi&IGUL – 16.03.2006
IGUL (Institute for Global Understanding of Rule of Law)